Welcome to PATA @ Funbusters
What are our hopes for your child?
We hope for the children;
- to be excited, curious and motivated by a well designed and resourced environment.
- to have a 'can do' attitude and be happy.
- to be confident in who they are.
- to feel safe, happy and secure and build on their confidence to become strong, independent, resilient risk takers.
How will we help them achieve this?
We will:
- provide a safe, secure learning rich environment for them to explore and challenge themselves.
- achieve this by adopting the key person approach.
- introduce new varied activities and plans for your individual child.
- continually provide further opportunities to promote independent and critical thinking for problem solving.
- support them to form relationships and be adaptable and flexible to change.
When this is in place what will happen?
The children are
- confident, inquisitive learners that enjoy exploring the activities and environment around them.
- happy to come in and are eager to try new things.
- engaged and make good progress.
When children leave us they are ready to transition into school and start the new exciting chapter in their lives.
PATA @ Funbusters has two pages, one is an open page for all to see. We also have a closed page for current parent/carers where you can see the fun the children are getting up to and important updates.